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 Post subject: Golf Outing Questions?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:15 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:32 am
Posts: 2427
Golf Outing is this Thursday...there is a program presentation at about 9ish....usually Steve gives a state of the union and then both basketball coaches give a talk...and man can Coach Guth talk!!!!! There are usually a couple other coaches (last year I had the chance to talk to Coach Clemons for a long time) and players and other teams as well.So any questions you would like me to try and get answers to? I am hoping they may reveal the complete schedule.? Also the outing is pretty casual and I am sure if you contacted Brian Day(ticket office) there is still room to get in on Sr. Jeans Bday cake along with cocktails and the silent auction (lots of Chicago stuff might get White Sox stuff for real cheap?) at around 2....This year it is at Cog Hill in you south siders and SWesters ...
Anyone else already going?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:12 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:32 am
Posts: 2427
Great Outing was great, beer was cold and I missed a ton of putts !....Miles Rubin, Dez Watson, Sheldon Edwards, Jalen Quinn and Coach Valentine were there and mingling. Miles and Jalen both have bulked up a little, was noticeable but not Hulk like. Miles says he has been working hard at the pick and roll from the top...All 4 of the players thought they would be more uptempo this year!!! Had a nice conversation with Jalen about our mutual background in Central Illinois. I said I thought this team might be a surprise and Steve Watson got kind of excited and said that the new guys are really going to surprise....Kymany Houinsou was really going to be someone to watch. He also mentioned that we have another shot blocker in Braydon Young...As you would imagine they were super hyped for the year but it just seems that Coach finally has a lineup he really likes, to play that up up tempo game. Women's team was there and excited to play Depaul at home..Had a nice conversation about education with Sr. Jean. She is still very sharp at 105. Most of the head coaches were there. Coach Valentine left about half way through to go recruiting. Coach Hoops and Charley Kulwin from the golf team were out on the course giving us a chance to measure up.......Best part of course is to see so many alumni hanging out .....the 2000 Women's golf team had a reunion of sorts and they were still going when I left...Sure I left some stuff out but was a great day.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:06 am 

Joined: Mon May 06, 2013 12:39 pm
Posts: 2575
Thanks for the report, Nate. Always appreciated. The roster is full of potential. I can't wait to see them in action this Sunday.

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