
Loyola in the NCAAs at Stanford
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Author:  vuster4 [ Mon May 04, 2015 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Loyola in the NCAAs at Stanford

So who's going? I'm there. Not till Thursday, though. Loyola should beat Pfeiffer on Tuesday.

Author:  JCT [ Tue May 05, 2015 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Loyola in the NCAAs at Stanford

I'm sure there will be some Loyola fans there. I went to my freshman year of high school less than three miles from Maples Pavilion-- at about the time Silicon Valley was really developing (1976-77). I was last in Palo Alto and around the Stanford campus in 2006. It has changed a lot from the sleepy suburban college town it used to be-- congested, densely built, and outrageously expensive. Palo Alto and neighboring Menlo Park are now the center for venture capital for the Internet and related technology. Have fun, though... we'll be watching!

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