This is a little belated, because I knew about this passing several months ago. But I wanted to put something out there about a friend of mine who was the UCLA Play By Play guy who passed away in May.
When I went to work at KFI/KOST in Los Angeles, the overnight guy on KOST was Chris Roberts. He was a mentor to me in my LA radio career. His experience with his beat-up 1980 Toyota Corolla with 180,000 miles on it was the inspiration for me buying my 1983 Corolla. He told me I could use the KFI press pass to go to Dodger Stadium and sit in the press box whenever I wanted, which I did several dozen times from 1983-85. Apparently, no one else at KFI wanted to use it. I even had the parking lot pass in my car for about two years.
He did the morning sports when I produced the Lohman & Barkley Show on KFI in 1984-85. I remember on one of his broadcasts saying that Loyola had the longest winning streak in the country at 21 games when he was talking about the '85 Tournament.
Cbris Roberts was a great guy... a Southern California guy the way Mike Royko or Les Grobstein were midwest guys. It was a pleasure to know him. ... -away.aspx